Offers Click provides relationship tips and dating advice, including online dating, date ideas, seduction techniques, and body language. Learn how to meet someone new, improve your dates with help of dating services from Offers Click. Search for a match based on things like hobbies, religion, education, age, looks, location or income. Relationship tips and dating advice, including online dating, date ideas, seduction techniques, and body language. Learn how to meet someone new, improve your dates with help of dating services. Online dating may seem a bit intimidating, but it can also lead to the match of your dreams. I should know having met my wonderful wife of three years through an online dating site! One of the best aspects is being able to search for a match based on things like hobbies, religion, education, age, looks, location or income. You sure can't get that by barhopping! Meeting someone online is also very exciting. There is nothing quite like logging on to see "You've Got Mail" from someone of interest. It can be addictively fun to say the least... and often lead to much more.